
It’s an inherent and integral aspect of the two-dimensional arts.  Whether it’s painting, drawing, photography, printmaking, or mosaics, if it’s constrained by a frame, it’s foundation is composition.

In most art forms, composition is determined by the artist.  In painting, what is to be included in a representation, or what is to be created in an abstraction, is in the hand of the painter.  In photography, limited to using the visible world as it’s basis, that composition must be discovered.  The joy of that discovery, of finding beauty in juxtaposition within the frame, is what drives me as an artist.  The realization that beauty can be found anywhere, given the right frame and composition, is a constant source of wonder.  Beauty is there, waiting to be discovered.

I have spent much of my life seeing the world through a viewfinder and have found that, regardless of subject, the end result is always most appealing when good composition is employed.  Even photo-journalism, documentary and street photography, where people, their environments and their circumstances predominate, are at their best when composition is considered.  Good composition exhibits control of the medium.

My images revel in composition.  Light and line, shape and shadow, tone and texture, and color or the lack of it, all aligned within the frame to form a controlled organization of elements.  Be it landscape or architectural, nature or man-made, abstract or representational, if that organization reveals beauty, if it ‘sings’, for me it is a success.

I’ve been blessed to be able to spend a good portion of my life seeking beauty, and it’s enriched my life immeasurably.  If I can share that beauty with others, if they can see just some of the beauty of the world through my eyes, I’m doubly blessed.  I hope that you enjoy my work, and that perhaps you may be just a little bit inspired to see a little more of the beauty in your world.

About the Artist

David Fonda is an award winning fine art photographer based in the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. His images revel in composition. Light and line, shape and shadow, tone and texture, and color or the lack of it, all aligned within the frame to form a controlled organization of elements. David explores his 'backyard' and travels the world seeking beauty in the commonplace, as well as the extraordinary.